MNT ist einer der führenden Kursanbieter für Säuglingspflegerinnen (maternity nurses) in Großbritannien und hat einen hervorragenden Ruf. Dieser Kurs wird von der Mehrheit der führenden Agenturen für Kinderfrauen und Maternity Nurses im Grossbritannien und in weiteren Ländern empfohlen. Der Kurs behandelt folgende Themen:
- Rolle & Verantwortung der Maternity Nurse
- Gesundheit & Pflege von Neugeborenen
- Kolik & Reflux
- Plötzlicher Kindstot
- Schlaf in Neugeborenen
- Routinen
- Unterstützung der Mutter nach der Geburt
- Stillen
Dieser Kurs wird vom Open College Network (OCN OTC) auf Stufe 4 akkreditiert und umfasst 12 Credits.
In 2018 I completed the MNT Breastfeeding Level 3 course.
The course covers the following topics:
- Positioning and attachment
- Observing and assessing a breastfeed
- Educating and supporting women
- Milk supply
- Refusal to feed
- Engorgement
- Mastitis
- Sore and cracked nipples
- Breastfeeding thrush
- Expressing and storage times
- Alternative ways to feed a baby breastmilk
- Medication and breastfeeding
- Getting support
This course is accredited by the Open College Network (OCN OTC) at level 3 and carries 6 credits.
Looking to specialise in Sleep Training and offer baby and toddler sleep consultations to parents, I completed the MNT Sleep Training course in 2018.
The course covers the following topics:
- Normal Sleep Physiology in Babies
- Sudden Infant Death
- Instilling Good Sleep Habits 0-3 months
- Developing Good Sleep Habits 3-6 months
- Behavioural Sleep Training Techniques from 6+ months
- Stumbling Blocks to Success
- Less Common Sleep Problems – night terrors/head banging/head rocking etc
This course is accredited by the Open College Network (OCN OTC) at level 3 and carries 3 credits.
Believing in having a routine for baby and parents alike, I decided to complete the NEST Routine course at level 3. By examining the complexities of the family dynamic, I suggest a routine to the family that works for all and also, to develop a routine that allows the baby to quickly establish his own routine and rhythm.
As I was a new student with NEST, I attended the postnatal carer/non-medical maternity nurse course before completing this course.
This course is accredited by the Open College Network (OCN OTC) at level 3 and carries 15 credits.